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Hartwell, David AGE OF WONDERS {SF reference} book-date: 1984 | |
edn-date: printing: format: cvr art: cvr price: GRADING: |
McGraw-Hill Paperbacks
1985 1st Paperback $3.95 VG | ||
ex-ChUSFA: stamp on first inside page, page 85. MORE INFO Extra stamps on top & side page blocks. Chapter 1 describes this as "an outsider's guidebook and roadmap through the world of science fiction, pointing out the historical monuments, backyard follies, highways, and back streets of the SF community - a tour of main events and sideshows, and a running commentary on why the SF world is the way it is." I read my copy a decade (or 2) ago, and recommend this - Hartwell's enthusiasm is immense, and catching. | |||
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