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book-date: 1994
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Trade paperback
Wayne Barlowe
VG+ to near-Fine

Future Boston (1994) - a "shared-world" anthology written by a small pool of authors contributing several stories each - edited by David Alexander Smith. A few of these had previous magazine appearances 1988-1991: (4) in Isaac Asimov's, 1 each in Analog, Aboriginal SF., and Figment. A related novel is In the Cube by David Alexander Smith (which I've read and can recommend.)

... Map: Boston in 1772
"Boston Will Sink, Claims MIT Prof" by David Alexander Smith
... Map: Boston in 1990
"Seeing the Edge" by Sarah Smith
"Nomads" by Alexander Jablokov
"Projects" by Geoffrey A. Landis
"Dying in Hull" by David Alexander Smith
... Map: Boston in 2014
"The Elephant-Ass Thing" by Jon Burrowes
"The Parade" by Steven Popkes
"Seating Arrangement" by Alexander Jablokov
"The Uprising" by Jon Burrowes
"Fennario" by Resa Nelson & Sarah Smith
"Topology of the Loophole" by Geoffrey A. Landis
"Not for Broadcast" by Steven Popkes
"When the Phneri Fell" by David Alexander Smith
... Map: Boston in 2030
"Playing Chess with the Bishop" by Steven Popkes & David Alexander Smith
"Letter to the Editor" by Alexander Jablokov
"Who is Venture Capital?" by David Alexander Smith
"IPOB Dining Hall Procedures" by Alexander Jablokov
"So You want to Meet the Bishop?" by Steven Popkes
"Camomile and Crimson; or, the Tale of the Brahmin’s Wife" by Geoffrey A. Landis
"The Test" by Steven Popkes
"The Place of No Shadows" by Alexander Jablokov
... Map: Boston in 2050
"The Lady of Port Moresby Incident" by Alexander Jablokov
"Three Boston Artists" by Sarah Smith
"Focal Plane" by Alexander Jablokov
"Ye Citizens of Boston" by Sarah Smith
... Map: Boston in 2061
"The Adoption" by Alexander Jablokov
"WereWhereWear" by Alexander Jablokov
"Sail Away" by David Alexander Smith
(Afterword by David Alexander Smith)