The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: Fifteenth Series: Stories are from 1964-65. The hardcover came out in 1966; the first paperback was 1969(?) (Introduction by Edward L. Ferman) "The Doors of His Face, The Lamps of His Mouth" by Roger Zelazny "Rake" by Ron Goulart "The History of Doctor Frost" by Roderic C. Hodgins "Four Ghosts in Hamlet" by Fritz Leiber "Keep Them Happy" by Robert Rohrer "A Murkle for Jesse" by Gary Jennings "Eyes Do More than See" by Isaac Asimov "The House the Blakeneys Built" by Avram Davidson "The Eight Billion" by Richard Wilson "Something Else" by Robert J. Tilley "Aunt Millicent at the Races" by Len Guttridge "Sea Bright" by Hal R. Moore "Hog-Belly Honey" by R. A. Lafferty "No Different Flesh" by Zenna Henderson ...Poems: (Love Letters from Mars - John Ciardi / Treat - Walter H. Kerr / From Two Universes - Doris Pitkin Buck) 5 cartoons by Gahan Wilson (scattered throughout) |